Sunday, September 30, 2007


alright weekend...we went out for laurens 22nd birthday, ipanema status, got a wicked amount of free drinks...patrick bro'd down with a red headed slut for me, my new favorite mix drink/shot. laurens friend kristina also paid for our tab.that beer with the chicken/turkey/rooster thing on the side is called la famosa...grossest shit ever. also patrick bought home a 6'r of coors light that some tailgaters left in charlottesville. wicked free booze. worked sunday and went to the fair. never been before. didnt ride rides but saw some crazy shit, walked alot, and ate some good ass food. basically i was on a hunt for a turkey leg and i scored it, and one point me and mike took our legs in a tent and were just dumping texas pete and bbq sauce on them and eating them like downright savages. no regrets bro. later.

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